Friday, April 19, 2002

Nope, I'm not at All Tomorrow's Parties - I'm back to normal after a fine few days in Belfast. I have also become an uncle since the last time I posted here!

My gig-point-average may be greatly increased after tomorrow when I am attempting to attend three gigs in a day -
Joie and Dead Blonde Girlfriend are doing their anti-folk thing for free at Notting Hill Arts Club between 4pm and 7.30pm, then it's Yo La Tengo improvising soundtracks to underwater nature movies at the Barbican at 8pm (£10- £17.50), then Solex (it's not a secret anymore) at the free aftershow at the Barbican from 10.30pm. Phew!

(and I really will get the site updated over the next week..)