Saturday, December 01, 2001

As part of a major production drive in the run up to our first issue in the new year, I've decided to add something new to this site every day. This mad idea came about because I was thinking earlier of having a sort of advent calendar on this site just to brighten it up a little, maybe just the odd photo each day, then I thought "why not just add something each day throughout December". It's not as daft as it sounds as we have a bit of a backlog.
We'll see what develops, but meanwhile here's today's contribution - a review of Smog and Kidd Dynamo.

Recommended Christmas related listening: - Captain Beefheart 'There Ain't no Santa Claus on the Evening Stage' (from 'Clear Spot')
Thanks to the person in the tiger suit outside my work, who has just made me aware of Stop Esso Day
Main news is that the World Cup Draw has taken place. I'm already looking forward to it.

Having got carried away with the new material last week, I have been ignoring my website responsiblities since. I am also skint so I've been trying not to think too much about going to gigs all the time - notably missed Jeffrey Lewis + Jacob Golden on the same bill this week, as well as a gig by the Amazing Pilots, though I didn't know about it til too late! However, I am tempted by:
Jetplane Landing headlining at the Monarch on Monday 3rd (£5)
Of Arrowe Hill, psychedelic types on first at Camden Dublin Castle's Club Fandango on Tuesday 4th. (£5)
Website matters yet to be sorted include three new live reviews (Smog, Ladytron, Bridge and Tunnel) and an updated A-Z, but I'm kind of dealing with that asap. New releases will be added here very soon.