Saturday, January 26, 2002

In the last ten days - hardly any hits, hardly any posts, no interesting records released, no gigs to go to.
Hopefully, this will change soon. Today (if I wasn't working!) I would have gone to see Fog at the Notting Hill Arts Club, then Stars of the Lid and Fuxa at Kosmische (Upstirs at the Garage). Next weekend I will be away so I will miss Stars of the Lid again (31st - Arts Cafe, E1), Stereolab + Brigitte Fontaine (1st Feb - Royal Festival Hall), High Llamas and Simian (2nd - Queen Eliz Hall) and Meanwhile Back in Communist Russia (2nd - ROTA show at NHAC). Maybe I'll not go to any gigs at all this year!

At least I've managed to solve my home ISP problem as I have defected to the corporate might of AOL, although I wouldn't dream of using their browser. You should see what it does to some people's pages!

There are actually some decent records coming out this week, so a new release update will follow when I get time.