Tuesday, September 03, 2002

News of some forthcoming albums...
Firstly, some relief for those of you who keep hitting this site when you're looking for details of the new Godspeed you Black Emperor! album. I mentioned in a recent live review that it may be called 'New York' but this was only a rumour, as the title has now been confirmed as 'Yanqui u.x.o'. Recorded with Steve Albini, and released in Europe on November 4, 2002 (coincidentally my birthday!). More information and cover art can be found at Constellation Records, as can their 'map of evil' artwork.
Secondly, the Delgados have finished recording their new album 'Hate'. It'll be out on October 14, but on Mantra Records - NOT on their own label Chemikal Underground! I realise some of our indier-than-thou readers may have fainted at that news, but for a full explanation (and track listing) read the final instalment of the Delgados diary.