Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon....
Well, actually I didn't because I thought Radiohead's show at the Waterfront in Belfast was pretty damn good, I just had that song stuck in my head ever since. I've since heard a few grumbles from a few people about the gig but from where I was sitting (front balcony in the centre) it looked and sounded excellent. There may have been a few occasional leaps in level when the fx pedals kicked in but I almost convinced myself that this was deliberate. The set was dominated by 'Hail to the Thief' so I was at an advantage in that I've had a copy of it for a few weeks now.
Low points? - hardly any, except for the false start on 'Airbag' and the omission of 'Pyramid Song'.
High points? many - 'There There' started the set with THREE drummers, a new version of 'Kid A', mighty versions of 'Dollars and Cents', 'Paranoid Android' and 'Idioteque' in particular, the silence in the hall at the start of 'Exit Music', and so many great new songs.
Here's the set list for those who are interested in such things....
There There/ 2+2=5/ I Might Be Wrong/ Exit Music/ Scatterbrain/ Kid A/ Airbag/ Subterranean Homesick Alien/ Backdrifts/ Sail to the Moon/ Dollars and Cents/ Go To Sleep/ Myxomatosis/ Where I End and You Begin/ Paranoid Android/ Idioteque/ Everything in its Right Place. First set of encores - The Gloaming/ A Punch up at a Wedding/ Just/ Fake Plastic Trees, second set of encores - Sit Down Stand Up/ Lucky. If that's inaccurate blame my memory!
In awe of Patti Smith again
I was amazed the first time I saw Patti Smith and her Band in 2001 (read how amazed here!), and her recent show with Oliver Ray at the Art College in Belfast was also stunning. A big thank you to Paul for the last minute ticket!
Proper review when I get it together but here's some of what she played
Piss Factory/ Hey Joe/ Redondo Beach/ Beneath the Southern Cross/ Dog Dream/ Wing/ Dancing Barefoot/ Because The Night/ Ghost Dance/ This Dead City/ Paths That Cross/ People Have the Power/ Pissing In A River/ Gloria/ Be My Baby.