Some fancy new releases for 5th November...
Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions Bavarian Fruit Bread
yep, it's her out of Mazzy Star with her debut solo album, ably assisted by Colm O'Coisoig from My Bloody Valentine. Lovely fragile music.
Sophia Da Nachten
Live album from former God Machine front man Robin Proper-Sheppard, recorded at festivals in Europe including four new songs,three reworkings and a cover of John Lennon's 'Jealous Guy'.
The Music You might as well try to fuck me Possible title of the year from the band with the internet unfriendly name - have you ever tried searching for them!? Their second single which carries on from where the debut left off.
The Sonics The Savage Young Sonics
Some of the most primitive recordings you'll ever hear, rougher than their legendary studio stuff which was distorted onto 2-track. Recorded at dances and at home between 1961-64, includes liner notes by Sonics founder/guitarist Larry Parypa
Current 93 Some soft black stars seen over London
7 track live cd (retail £8.99) from this years Bloomsbury Theatre performance - sleeved in a full colour gatefold digipack with 4 new paintings by David Tibet.